Oh hey there!

Same girl - new look. Or, new career or something.

Still entrepreneuring it - honesty I can’t imagine it any other way. Especially now that I know the freedom (and stress, and anxiety, and joy, and luxury) of working for myself. I’m honestly ruined as an employee for anyone else, lol!

If you have stuck around from my Mango Reclaimed days - thank you!! Thank you so much for still being here. I realize my career shift isn’t going to be something that everyone wants to stick around for - so I truly appreciate you staying with me!

I hope to continue creating inspirational, entertaining and helpful content!

If you’re new here - welcome!! I’m so excited that you’re coming along for the ride!


This aint no disco . . . and it ain’t no country club either!

(sorry, not sure why Sheryl Crow just jumped into my head!)

A pretty picture to break up all my chatter - ooh and also to make you hungry. I love brie.

What I meant to say is this - Welcome to Mango Photography!

I have a tonne of experience in photography - however, it’s been a while since this has been a job for me and I’m (re)learning as I go.

I hope you’ll bear with me as I find my new footings. There will be bumps and learning curves along the way - but I assure you that learning and trying new things is one of my fave things to do so please trust in me!

Here are a few of the areas I plan to focus on with this new venture:

Interior Design Photography

Lifestyle/Brands Photography

Product Photography

  1. Interior Design Photography - why? Because I love it. I really, really love it. I love homes, I love design and I love beautiful images of said spaces. I have been so lucky to work with some incredible designers throughout my Mango Reclaimed career and I’m excited to continue working with the design community from a new creative perspective.

  2. Lifestyle/Brands Photography - why? Because this is something I’m already really really good at! I have been photographing the Mango Team and studio space for a decade! Creating content for our social media was one of my fave things to do. It’s only natural that I want to share that love and talent with other incredible businesses so they too can show the world how great they are!

  3. Product Photography - why? Because I love the details! I love the pretty little zoomed in details of a lifestyle product image. Showing off just how great something is with the right lighting and setting. I love how images of products and details can really light up the senses! I think this obsession comes from my wedding photography days when capturing the dress, the ring, the decorations and all the beautiful details would come together to tell the complete story of the day.

All this to say that if you like pretty pictures and learning about photography, design, small business and home decor - then you are in the right place! And I’m so grateful that you are!

Oh - you will also most likely find some home reno projects, entrepreneurial insights and a slice of mom life.
Oh gosh - and maybe the occasional recipe, lol!

Does that narrow it down enough?

What can I say - I’m multi passionate.

And I’m so glad you’re here!




Learning The Art of Interior Photography